8 Easy Tricks To Get Shoppers To Buy More Sweets

5 minute read

Covid-19 Sweets

COVID has drastically altered the retail space. Traditional selling tactics such as seasonal marketing might not work so well currently. So if you’re wondering how you can entice more customers into your bricks and mortar sweet store to purchase Halloween sweetsOr if you’re curious how you’re going to see traditional seasonal sales growth while the pandemic rolls on, then you need to switch up your sales tactics with these 8 easy tricks to get shoppers to buy more sweets. 

FYI, you don’t need to be in a sales slump to put these tricks to use - if you’re doing really well right now, these tips will work just as well to help you keep the momentum going:

How to get people into your sweet shop

  1. Make your store attractive

We eat with our eyes, so the saying goes. The same is true for shopping. Customers will venture into an attractive looking shop - so update your signage outside and invest in creating window displays to draw the eye of passersby. 

Create floor to ceiling displays and make sure they’re well lit and clean. Choose your best selling stock and arrange it so that it can easily be seen from all angles. If it’s seasonal, even better. 

You could create a mad scientist lab for Halloween, replete with alien spray, bloody eyeballs and psychedelic mice.

  1. Encourage customers to support local business. 

At a time when high street shops are under threat, encourage local residents to support a local business. Give them reason to support you - hold events in your shop to encourage people to come in, even when they don’t have a reason to. 

  • Offer 24 hour flash sales. 

  • Reward loyal customers with loyalty discount cards. 

  • Offer testers of your new sweet products. 

Sweets Shop

  1. Safeguard customers in your store. 

Encourage visitors to your shop by ensuring it’s safe for them to do so and communicate your health and safety measures clearly. 

  • Put up signage displaying how to travel around your store.

  • Invite customers to sanitise their hands prior to entering. 

  • Keep entrances and exits clear. 

  • Deliver your health and safety info to customers as part of your marketing drive. Include it in:

    • Your newsletter

    • Your email

    • On your website 

    • On your social platforms


Candy Shop

  1. SEO your store so it shows up in online results. 

Just because you’re not selling your products online, doesn’t mean you can’t still invest in SEO. If customers are looking for a store like yours, they’ll likely begin their hunt online. When they’re searching for ‘sweet shop near me’, you need to be number one in the results.  


  • Your location

  • Your opening hours

  • Reviews

  • Lots of visual content such as the sweets on your shelves 

  1. Advertise in the local area.

Unless your shop is in a central location with regular, high footfall, then you need to let people know that you exist. Word of mouth will work only so far, then you need to invest in your advertising. If SEO is your online plan of attack, advertising is your offline plan. 

Put up posters and banners around your local area to drive traffic your way. Include your logo on any material as well as your exact location and the products you sell. You want local people to remember you, so that when they need your products quickly, they’ll come to you.

 How to get people to buy more sweets

That’s how you can get people to come into your sweet shop. But how can you persuade people to buy sweet products such as halloween sweets, items that aren’t deemed ‘essential’, like milk, bread or loo roll. 

  1. Offer a click and collect service. 

Just because you don’t offer a delivery service, doesn’t mean your customers shouldn’t be able to purchase items from your physical shop online and then pop down and pick them up at a time that suits them. 

Click and collect as a service has been available for a long time, but COVID has increased its popularity. Research shows that 45% of customers who click and collect will pick up additional items when they come to collect. 

Sweet Candy Shop

  1. Make your shop visually attractive inside.

You’ve made the outside of your store attractive, now it’s time to make the inside eye catching too. Work on creating strong in-shop visuals and you’ll encourage customers to purchase more products: 

  • Make displays stand out. Don’t have one layer of stock - play with height, colour and depth of displays to vary their visual elements. 

  • Have a focal point. Don’t create cluttered displays - focus on the key product you’re selling and build your display around that. I.e if you’re selling halloween sweets, create a display around a witch’s cauldron, for example, filled with jelly snakesjelly skulls and jelly bones while white mice scuttle around bags of strawberry blood.

  • Keep them tidy. You want your displays to stand out for the right reason and make it easy for customers to choose which products to buy. 

  • Display your best sweets near the entrance. Show customers as soon as they step foot in your shop what you’re all about. It doesn’t matter if they’re your most expensive sweets, you want to create a memorable first impression.

  1. Update your displays regularly.

Don’t leave your Summer sweet stock hanging around as Christmas creeps in. It doesn’t look good and customers won’t buy it, no matter how discounted you make it. If you want to keep driving foot traffic and sales in your bricks and mortar shop, you need to keep giving customers what they want. 

Invest in the latest trends and seasonal products - in jars of toxic waste, in brain lickers and candy snot shots for Halloween, for example. Keep your stock relevant and able to meet customers’ needs, and they’ll keep giving you their patronage.  

Finally, if you’re wanting to purchase bulk wholesale sweets for Halloween as a consumer, check out our sister site Bulk Wholesale Sweets, and discover your favourite Halloween sweets at wholesale prices. 

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